Academic excellence: To provide engaging and challenging academic programming for each student; to provide the highest quality teaching to inspire the intellectual and creative growth of each student; to set learning goals that reflect appropriate challenges for each student; to ensure that students are successful and confident.
Performance view of understanding: To engage students in strategies that define “understanding” as the ability to apply knowledge in a novel situation or to teach knowledge to someone else; to stimulate students to be responsive and responsible for their own learning and to establish a love of learning; to encourage initiative and independence as well as metacognition and reflection about their own process of learning.
Learning principles: To embed research-based practices for an optimum learning environment in the program. These practices are: to connect new knowledge to the core ideas of a discipline; to construct new understanding by activating prior knowledge and experiences; to reflect and apply metacognitive skills; to collaborate, discuss and share their learning; to be motivated; to make a connection with their teacher and feel supported in the learning environment; to have ownership of their learning; to have meaningful opportunities to practice their learning; to receive timely and goal-directed feedback; and to have opportunities to move, play and explore to connect mind and body.
Well-rounded curriculum: To offer a wide range of subjects through the entire 14-year sequence of the program; to ensure both vertical and horizontal alignment of the curriculum as well as breadth and depth in each discipline to emphasize holistic programming; to offer opportunity, when possible, for student “voice and choice” to extend learning beyond the stated objectives of a subject by encouraging individual interests, including independent study; to encourage creativity through a panoply of offerings; to use current events to expand student understanding of established learning outcomes.
Global and intercultural competency: To celebrate and engage with the cultural diversity in and beyond the school community; to learn to value the diversity of race, gender, nationality, religion, ability, socioeconomic status (among other similarities and differences) at the School and encourage intercultural dialogue; understand protected characteristics and their importance; 10 to deepen empathy and kindness in each student; to understand the importance of equity and inclusion to enlarge a student’s concern for, and responsibility to, the wider community; to prepare students for their futures and to make the world a better place.
Effective assessment: To respond in a timely fashion to student work; to use a variety of assessment strategies to reflect different learning styles; to consider which assessment strategies best reflect the learning outcomes desired; to guide students to deeper understanding of disciplinary knowledge and skills; to encourage reflection and depth of understanding.
Experiential learning: From the school’s inception, the use of Umaria and surroundings as a “laboratory” to enhance the curriculum through field trips beginning as early as PreK and extending through Grade 10; to plan overnight trips designed to dovetail with curricular emphasis, also to build resilience and self-confidence for all students, starting in Grade 4; for middle and high school students, trips to a variety of regional field study sites, including AI, to broaden and deepen curricular topics; Daylong school trips, Alternatives and adventure Tour; experiential trips for robotics, newspaper conferences, honors trips for out reach programs, Model conferences, peer advisers seminars, debate competitions, among other experiences for middle and high school students.